What Causes A Bulging Water Heater And Why You Should Seek Water Heater Repair Services?
Are you noticing a bulge on the side of your water heater? If so, then you should contact water heater repair services immediately. A bulging water heater can happen for various reasons—some more serious than others.
This alone should encourage you to seek a professional's opinion rather than attempting a DIY fix. Read along to discover four potential causes of a bulging water heater and why you should engage a professional water heater repair technician as soon as possible.
Faulty Pressure Relief Valve
The pressure relief valve is designed to release excess pressure when it reaches dangerously high levels inside the tank. Now, suppose the valve malfunctions; in that case, the tank becomes susceptible to thermal expansion due to the building-up pressure and temperatures inside it.
The scariest part about this phenomenon is that an explosion can occur if the pressure isn't released soon enough. This is why it's important to have your local technician check on your water heater when you notice it bulging. This way, they can detect the root of the problem and address it before chaos ensues.
Compromised Electrical Elements
If any electrical elements in your water heater are compromised, this could also cause pressure to build up inside the tank. This is because the equipment might end up heating the water inside the tank quicker than is the standard.
And the more the water is heated, the more it expands in volume, raising the pressure inside the tank. The surefire way to tackle this problem is to call a technician to come out and inspect the connections and make the necessary adjustments.
Thermal Expansion
Since your water heater stores hot water, this alone can cause your tank to expand. Pressure can build up inside the tank if you're hardly using any hot water around the house, yet the equipment is working at full capacity. This phenomenon is especially escalated when the water heater's thermostat is faulty.
When you notice the tank swelling, ensure you contact the water heater repair technician and let them get to the root of the problem. If a malfunctioned thermostat is the reason for thermal expansion, your water heater technician will make the necessary repairs.
Sediment Build-Up
If your home is being supplied with hard water, the mineral deposits in the water can harden due to intense heating and accumulate at the bottom of the tank. Over time sediment may build up and water and air can get stuck underneath it which can cause pressure buildup.
The more the pressure builds up, the more likely your tank will start bulging. To address this problem, water heater repair technicians will flush the tank to remove the sediment buildup
No matter what the cause of your bulging water heater may be, it's essential to engage water heater repair services immediately to prevent further damage. This way, you can ensure that your water heater returns to operating at peak efficiency.
For more information about water heater repair, contact a local professional.