Tips To Maintain And Repair Your Water Well Pump
When you have access to a freshwater source through a well on your property, it is up to you as the homeowner to keep it functioning properly with regular care and maintenance. Time and use are working against your water well pump, but with the right attention and professional services, you can keep it functioning continually and properly. Here are some tips that you should use when maintaining your water well pump to keep it working well and efficiently.
Take Care of Your Pump
Your water well pump may be out of sight most of the time, but if it stops working, you will immediately notice it when your home's water stops flowing from the faucets. To help you avoid this, there are many areas to your pump's configuration that require professional service, but some areas of the pump are acceptable for you to check out.
If you have had a heavy rain or wind storm in your area, you should check the pump to make sure it has not become clogged with a tree branch, leaves, or other type of debris that will clog the pump or stop the motor from engaging. And you can also inspect the pump's cooling fans to make sure they are cleaned and free of debris and cobwebs that will cause your pump to overheat. Always use a non-corrosive cleaning product to take care of your pump so you don't damage it inadvertently.
Make it a point to pay attention to how often and for how long your water well pump turns on, runs for, and switches off. If your pump is running for too long or constantly, the system can overheat, but if your pump repeatedly switches on and off for short periods of time, this will cause it to wear out more quickly and can also indicate a problem in your water well's pressurized holding tank.
Arrange For Professional Inspection or Repair
Your water well pump is going to age and wear out, so it will need some servicing to check and clean its internal workings. Every few years, plan to have it serviced and inspected to eliminate any unseen damage that may have occurred. If your pump is working inefficiently, it can increase your electricity costs, which your pump professional can correct with repairs. They can also check the air pressure inside your water well tank and adjust it to help save on energy costs.
When the time comes for your water well pump to need a specialist to complete some work on it, you can arrange for a water well service to provide the care. If your pump is in need of repairs or replacement, your service professional will make sure to complete the repairs in a timely manner so you are without water for the shortest possible time.
Contact a well pump repair company to learn more.