4 Environmental Reasons To Choose Trenchless Sewer Line Repairs

A broken or badly leaking sewer line is not a problem that you can ignore. At the same time, you may want to make the most environmentally responsible choice when it comes to the repair. Trenchless sewer line replacement could be the right solution. 

1. Waste Reduction

Replacing a sewer line in the traditional manner means digging up and disposing of the old line, which adds more waste to overflowing landfills. Trenchless sewer repair uses a cured-in-place pipe liner that is deployed into the existing sewer line, effectively increasing the working life of the old sewer line so that it doesn't have to be disposed of. In many ways, it is a repair rather than a replacement, which is good for the environment. 

2. Minimal Excavation

Digging up old pipes can have major effects on the landscaping. Topsoil loss can be a common problem, which means you will need to bring in more topsoil before the damage can be repaired. Further, it destroys the grass and any other landscaping that was installed over the path of the sewer line, which upsets the balance of soil micro-organisms in the site. Trenchless repair only requires two small holes as opposed to a huge trench, so the excavation damage to the environment is minimal.

3. Less Toxin Exposure

Leaking effluent from a sewer line is a toxic hazard. Usually, small amounts of leaked sewage aren't a problem because it is processed through the soil system and cleared of toxins as it trickles deeper into the ground. Digging up a leaking old line will instead bring these toxins up to the surface where exposure is more likely to occur. Depending on the extent of the leak and the amount of sewage in the soil, this can be a real concern. Skipping the trench and leaving the old line in place ensures that these toxins stay in the ground instead of coming up to the surface.

4. Lower Equipment Use

The equipment necessary to dig up a sewer line has an environmental impact. Diggers and backhoes use fossil fuels and produce emissions. Trenchless repair does require some equipment fuel consumption, but since the work is completed much more quickly than a trench replacement and less equipment is necessary, it won't use as many resources as a traditional sewer line replacement. 

Contact a trenchless sewer line replacement service to find out of this type of repair is a good option for your sewer line problems. 
